Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3, 2, 1 and we have a winner

so this is going to be a "na-na-na" moment.  we are loving our new life in trinidad.  as in hands down, over the moon, smiling every day happy.  this is my over the moon face.

so here is a top three for you of why trinidad has won our hearts.

#3 - we live in the tropics baby!
it's nice EVERY day.  and the pool is only a few steps away.  and believe me when i tell you that we go to the pool every day.  mama's got get tan people.  and neil needs to work on her future career in the water.

#2 - home time, chitty, home time.
we loved our apartment in boston but it was small and dark and old.  our new apartment is the opposite.  and did i mention that we have a pool?  'cause we do.  and neil has her own room.  and we have a big master with an en suite bathroom.  and our kitchen has counter tops.  and the best, most amazing thing ever... washer and dryer in unit!

#1(b)... time by the beach boy.
the beach is only 45 minutes away.  and it's beautiful and we love it for so many reasons. 

 why 1(b) you ask?  i will do a post completely dedicated to 1(a)... the FOOD at a later date.  and this particular beach has the most amazing sandwich you will ever taste.  EVER.  and that's a picture of everyone standing in line who agrees with me.  but i promise to tell you more about it later ;)

qt quote game time
first off, i would like to congratulate carl on winning last week's qt quote challenge.  that is not be the last time that an arrested development quote will be making an appearance.  your bottle is awaiting.

for those of you that don't remember the fine print and rules of "qt quote", let me refresh your memory... in list form:
1.  every week i will quote either a movie or t.v. show.  
2.  it won't be apparent that i'm quoting anything.
3.  the winner gets a really nice bottle of rum.  but you have to come to trinidad to claim it.

it's obscure this week.  buoyakasha son.  

i'll be seeing many of you in a few short days.  and this makes my heart happy.  


Sunday, September 18, 2011

let the great experiment begin...

as most of you know, i do what ever the cool kids do.  and currently the cool kids are starting blogs.  so here i go.  joking aside, it make sense for me to start a blog and i have conveniently come up with a list explaining why.

reasons for me, anya, to start a blog:
1.  so that family and friends feel connected even though we live far away.
2.  my need for a journal.
3.  to keep my mental sanity.

let me elaborate...

1.  adam and i have had a very adventurous 5 years together.  we met in palau, we moved to india, we lived in boston and now we live in port-of-spain, trinidad.  we move.  a lot.  and i don't get the impression that we're going to slow down.  although it may seem that we're moving around so much to leave or family and friends behind, it is quite the opposite.  we are doing all this moving as a service, to you.  so that you all have amazing destinations to visit us.  your welcome.  but hopefully we can keep a bit more connected by keeping everyone up to date on what's going on in our lives.
2.  everyone keeps telling me that i should keep a journal of all of our adventures, so that when the dementia sets in i'll have some sort of record.  the thing is, i don't like my handwriting.  aslo, i'm addicted to the internet.  as in seriously, out right, i know i have a problem addicted.  i spend a lot of time at the computer.  so guess what, i'm going to jump on the narcassitic band wagon and make my journal public.  so there might be some random stuff in here.  one post might be about our travels in and around trinidad.  another post might be about neil (our daughter) and her cuteness.  and some posts might be about serious things like the political climate in the u.s.  that's a lie.  i'll never talk about serious things.
3.  i am not working while here in trinidad.  it has been a while since i have not worked.  i am more than a little scared.  staying home with neil has proven to be amazing.  i love her and hanging out with her.  i feel like i am truly getting to know her.  but sometimes the idea of singing the abc's one more time makes me want to jump off our balcony.  so i'll use this blog as adult time. get your heads out of the gutter for the love.  not that kind of adult time.  the kind in which i can call things what they actually are without adding a "y" to the end of the word.

here are some things you can look forward to:

1.  i love lists.
2.  i am not a writer, so i will make grammar mistakes from time to time.  (nancy and peter, please keep it to yourselves :)  also, my spell check is set to british english.  colour and favourite.
3.  i do not capitalize anything.   not even your name.
4.  i will quote movies and t.v. shows constantly.  i'm thinking of making some sort of game out of it.  for example the first person to send me an email with the quote and it's reference from this posting gets to come visit me and stay with me free of charge.  this has now become the game.  you all know my email.  i'll throw in a free bottle of trinidad's finest rum.  izzy, if you win you get hot sauce and a kiss.
5.  i'll try to post once a week.

i wanted to add pictures to this post.  i wanted to make it funnier and i for sure wanted to talk about a whole mess of things.  but if i try to do all these things, this post will never get posted.  so here goes folks.  oh, one more thing.  i am very aware that fruit is the plural of fruit.  adam and love to play games, card and board alike.  while in india i came up with the name team tropical fruits.  alcohol may have been involved but i won't say for sure either way.  adam hates this name, so it only seems natural that it be our family name.

let the great experiment begin...
