Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3, 2, 1 and we have a winner

so this is going to be a "na-na-na" moment.  we are loving our new life in trinidad.  as in hands down, over the moon, smiling every day happy.  this is my over the moon face.

so here is a top three for you of why trinidad has won our hearts.

#3 - we live in the tropics baby!
it's nice EVERY day.  and the pool is only a few steps away.  and believe me when i tell you that we go to the pool every day.  mama's got get tan people.  and neil needs to work on her future career in the water.

#2 - home time, chitty, home time.
we loved our apartment in boston but it was small and dark and old.  our new apartment is the opposite.  and did i mention that we have a pool?  'cause we do.  and neil has her own room.  and we have a big master with an en suite bathroom.  and our kitchen has counter tops.  and the best, most amazing thing ever... washer and dryer in unit!

#1(b)... time by the beach boy.
the beach is only 45 minutes away.  and it's beautiful and we love it for so many reasons. 

 why 1(b) you ask?  i will do a post completely dedicated to 1(a)... the FOOD at a later date.  and this particular beach has the most amazing sandwich you will ever taste.  EVER.  and that's a picture of everyone standing in line who agrees with me.  but i promise to tell you more about it later ;)

qt quote game time
first off, i would like to congratulate carl on winning last week's qt quote challenge.  that is not be the last time that an arrested development quote will be making an appearance.  your bottle is awaiting.

for those of you that don't remember the fine print and rules of "qt quote", let me refresh your memory... in list form:
1.  every week i will quote either a movie or t.v. show.  
2.  it won't be apparent that i'm quoting anything.
3.  the winner gets a really nice bottle of rum.  but you have to come to trinidad to claim it.

it's obscure this week.  buoyakasha son.  

i'll be seeing many of you in a few short days.  and this makes my heart happy.  


1 comment:

  1. As a loyal follower of your blog and the new BEST FRIEND you were looking for but didn't know it yet - I will now confess - I will never know your quote....ever. I am horrible at those things....horrible! I do wish you the best trip...I am curious to see if you have the same experience as me..... xoxo much luv for u guys...
